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Dhs. 0.00 - Dhs. 24,257.00
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Most common Frequent Asked Questions!

How can I place an order?

Placing an order is easy! Simply browse our products, select the items you'd like to purchase, and click the "Add to Cart". 

Review your selections, and click "Proceed to Checkout." Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your order. 

What payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept Cash on Delivery. 

Soon we will have a variety of payment options to make your shopping experience more convenient. 

How can I track my order?

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email notification. As long as orders are placed before 5pm, you will receive your package the next day.

What is your return policy?

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason, your item has been damaged, notify us within 3 days and we will be happy to exchange it for you. 

As per UAE law, items with fluctuating market values are non-refundable however, we are always happy to buy back your Gold 😊



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